Meet Our People
The Leadership at SURVICE
The secret to our success is not found in revenues, facilities, or equipment, but in our people.
Amongst SURVICE’s senior leadership, you will find engineers, mathematicians, computer scientists, accountants, lawyers, and business professionals. While they all come from varying backgrounds, one thing remains consistent–their unwavering commitment to SURVICE, our employees, and the community we serve. An example of this is the average tenure of our senior officers, which equates to 26 years of dedicated support.

Jeff Foulk
Chief Executive Officer

Greg Thompson
President and Chief Operations Officer

Dottie Bowser
Chief Financial Officer

Jennifer Gross
Chief Human Resources Officer
Executive Management

Mike Ray
Vice President, Army & Marine Corps Sector

Mark Butkiewicz
Vice President, Applied Technology Sector

Ron Dexter
Vice President, Air Force & Navy Sector

Clark Dutterer
Chief Technology Officer and Vice President, Business Development
Corporate Management

Steve Phillips
Information Systems and Technology Department Manager

Kevin Donnelly
Accounting Department Manager

Megan Simmons
Project Finance Department Manager

Kathy Mietus
Contracts/Subcontracts Manager

Frank Gostomski
Business Compliance Manager

Shane P. Riley
General Counsel
Sector/Operation Management

Kristin Rose
Aberdeen Area Operations Manager

Tim Farmer
Army Research Operations Manager

Chris Cosgrove
Chesapeake Product Integration Operation and Metrology Group Manager

Rob Baltrusch
Chesapeake Robotics Operation Manager

Michael Schuck
Dayton Area Operations Manager

Ted Welsh
Department of Defense Information Analysis Center Operations Manager

Benjamin Osborne
Gulf Coast Operations Manager

Billy Brown
Michigan Area Operations Manager

Dave Turner
Patuxent Area Operations Manager

Mark Bottjer
PMC Operations Manager

Kevin Brown
Washington Area Operations Manager
Group Managers

Brian Benesch
Basic Center Operations Group Manager

Heidi Jensen
ARL SETA Group Manager

Ellen Phifer
Research and Analysis Group Manager

Rob Storey
Manager of the Evaluation, Analysis, and Test Group